Last night it was the first Club Black Whip night of the year. Traditionally it is the last x-mas celebration before going back to work. After all the eating and drinking with family which was very nice and relaxing I needed some chaotic play time and that is just what Club Black Whip is for.
Mistress was putting on a beautiful velvet red dress while I was looking for my black business suite, after all it is a x-mas party so I wanted to look good. Mistress looked at me and she said tonight you will be Hazel put on your dress. In a matter of second I went from man to maid. Mistress smiled looking at me, so all was good.

We went to the club and the first guest arrived soon after. It was good to see everybody again. All ladies looked amazing with their red dresses, champagne was flowing like water all was good.
The evening started with a amazing sketch of a weird man that was looking for a Mistress. It was so funny!

Countess Dionysus arrived at the club and she had a special gift for Mistress. A flogger made of tubing. Of course Mistress wanted to try it out and before I know it I was laying on the whipping bench. No warm up, no warning only pain, that flogger is deadly. Mistress gave me a good beating with it and I struggled greatly to stay in place. Of course with some help of Mistress I did.
My flogging was where everybody was waiting for, people started to play everywhere and I could hear the whips cracking, the paddles smashing and of course the Mistresses laughing a subs life at CBW is a good one.
Next was the walk of shame. Mistress did a great job in organizing the Ladies and calling out the boys for their turn. She gave me a special gift by walking with me as last, I felt so proud crawling behind my Mistress.
Of course it is not a x-mas celebration without gift. All subs came bearing gifts and Mistress Evilyne organized the raffle. The gifts where great from perfumes to nice bottles of champagne.
The rest of the evening was great fun, more alcohol, more play and everybody started to dance. It was a night never to forget.
You can find all pictures here.