International Women’s day 2018

I am not a big fan of special days for a subject. I don’t like valentines day because I love my Mistress every day a little bit more and don’t need a special day to remind me of my love. It would be great if we didn’t need a special day for Women but unfortunately it is still needed for most of us. We still live in a white male society, woman and people of color are still a minority as our decision makers. I we look at our government most of them are privileged white males. We see a shift because of populism but I don’t think that anybody sees that as a good thing.

Do I believe in a matriarchal society? No, not for everybody. I would work for me, I love my female led relationship. It makes a relationship so much easier. I don’t like making small decisions, I don’t like discussions, I don’t like conflict with my partner. Mistress makes the daily decisions, we don’t have discussions Mistress is always right, a conflict is over when the whipping starts. This doesn’t mean that Mistress doesn’t respect my opinion. I feel listened to, loved and respected, how many people can say that?

Still I understand that people are different and that different forms of relationships are equal to mine, even traditional male dominated relations.
That should be the goal of this day. Every individual should think for themselves, do I give the women in my life an equal chance? If you are in the position to act, do you act on gender or merit? I am very guilty in this area, because I always go for the female option. I don’t feel comfortable with most males and let that guide me in my friendships and business.

Lets make a step to true democracy and that starts with making sure that our representatives in government and business are a reflection of the real society.

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