My view on OnlyFans

Yesterday the internet exploded with the news from Bloomberg that OnlyFans will stop allowing explicit content on its platform. This created an enormous amount of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) by many content creators and for good reason in the last 2 years during the pandemic OF became there main source of income.

So how realistic is that at some point in the future adult content will be banned?

Lets start with the company OnlyFans is owned by Fenix International Limited and has it official HQ in London/UK but most of the work is done in California/USA. As many new companies on the internet it starts with a business idea and technology. Lots of technology OF was all about growth and needed all hands on deck to scale the operation to handle all it new users.

Now the technology part is more or less alright you see the focus switching on business growth. How can they make more money. Of course the adult industry was the early adapter and OF welcomed the industry with open arms in its initial phase. Now its revenues is $390 million (source Financial Times) and it needs to tap a different source then the adult industry and the kinky influencers for it next jump to a billion. On top of that the authorities are looking into the legal aspects.

In the old days of the internet it was common that a company only has to comply to the laws of the country where it was hosted. That is long gone and now as a company you need to comply to all the laws in the countries you are offering your services. If you operate globally it means you need to comply to all laws. This is of course impossible so you see technology platforms first focus on their main markets and if they run into trouble disable their platform in these countries.

For OF the target country is the United States of America. This means that they have to comply to all FOSTA-SESTA rules. But also all legislation that is targeted to BDSM (e.g. you can’t give written consent to abuse) So yes this will reduce the allowed content on OF for many creators.

Next is the financial pictures. OF is fully dependent on Mastercard/Visa that also have to comply to USA laws. On top of that there main concern is high risk transactions. Many of these adult platforms are used for money laundering. Also OF is under investigation by many authorities for enabling this. All sort of new KYC rules (Kown Your Customer) will be enforced and that is for many content creators and their customers not always so easy. But there is no way back if OF wants to keep on operating it has to comply.

The above story is true for any content platform on the internet. So yes I believe that slowly OF will have to change it general terms and condition to comply with legislation in different countries and even more for the payment providers. Although we know that if you make enough money you can make a deal with them as many of the largest adult sites have proven. The best way out is to split the platform for OF a strict adult part where you have to proof your identity and all content has to be made according to the USA adult content standards. The other part will be an open platform where anybody can follow its favorite celebrity and pay something extra for exclusive content.

My personal view and advice to the Mistresses now on Only Fans. It is time to slowly move away don’t abandon your subscribers but tease them with more explicit content on your new platform of choice. When you create content always store the original on your local computer/cloud so you can re-use the same content on the new platform.

It looks like the new platform of choice is loyalfans, please follow my Mistress @madamecaramel yes also this platform will have to comply when it become a billion dollar company but till then we can make and spend money with them.

After thought:

Is there a solution. In the last few years we have seen many startups that issued an ICO to fix the payment problem. In theory that is of course through but you have to allow people to buy these tokens and that is not easy without a credit card. Yes you could create an ERC-20 token and use a service like pancakeswap but that might be a bridge to far for many people. I do see the solution in the use of crypto but I would use a standard token like Bitcoin but more likely a cardano token. Because these tokens are used by everybody and can not be individual banned that should fix the payment problem.

For the hosting of the platform I think you have to really embrace to country laws. Make sure that all content is correctly marked so you can create a mix for each individual user based on their preferences and local laws. I would make use of deep learning algorithms to find illegal content and protect the platform. I still think the internet allows enough freedom and technology to can do all. Protect what we love and still gives us freedom to express our kinks. Who is with me!

Locked for 6 weeks and counting

43 days ago Mistress released a clip on her onlyfans announcing that she wants all her boys in chastity of course that included me. She has been extremely generous with my orgasms the last year. Of course I was locked for locktober, after I was only locked for a few weeks for her pleasure. Besides that I was free and allowed many orgasms during our time together. That in contrast to our normal routine where Mistress strictly controls my orgasms and limits them to one every 2 to 3 weeks.

The first weeks in chastity are always difficult and this time it was even harder. I was used to the more frequent orgasms and now I am back in strict control of Mistress her steel cage. No mercy, no escape only suffering and accepting the control of my Mistress. Because what she gives me she can also take away with a single word.

I did my usual routine, try to ignore everything as much as possible. Just focus on work and don’t think to much of Mistress and kink. But chastity has a way to control your body and mind. For a long time I didn’t feel so submissive, of course when Mistress asks something I would always comply. But now after 6 weeks I crave Mistress, I want to feel her power over me, I want her to be mean to me, I want her to hurt me, mark me as hers.

It is no longer the orgasm I desire the most. I want to that special moment when she puts my collar on. I want her breathing to change when she is fully committed into whipping me. I want to feel our separate energies merge in to one. I want my Mistress.

But as always it is not about what I want. Mistress wants me to wait for her, suffer in silence until I again fully submit to her and only focus on her needs. After all this years it still surprises me how powerful chastity is. A simple piece of plastic or metal and a key is more powerful then a whip, a cane or any words.

So thank you my Mistress for locking me up, making me remember that my submission to you is the most beautiful thing in my life. I hope you are proud of me and I can’t wait to kiss your feet again and show you my devotion to you in real life.

fantasy 2021

Joris! I rushed from the kitchen to Mistress. She was dressed in her red velvet dress that hugged her curves beautifully. She was wearing her high leather boots and was holding the short leather whip in her hand. Mistress was in a strict mode, “undress, inspection position”. As fast as I could I undressed and assumed the inspection position. She walked around me and I try not to look to match at her but of course my eyes wondered to her beautiful bottom. Mistress caught me and the whip kissed my back, 10 very hard quick lashes puts me back in my place.

It is New years eve and we had an amazing year together for the first time we lived full time together and I like it having you around all the time. But you have been slacking on many aspects to. I want perfections from you, you understand? The whip landed again, do you understand Mistress asked again. Yes Mistress I replied quickly. For some reason you are to weak to serve me at your best without incentive. I am sorry Mistress, I said.

2021 will be the year of discipline, change and commitment. I will shape you to be my perfect servant, if you want it or not after all, you are mine to do with what I pleases. I could only reply with “Yes Mistress”, she is my everything and I will do whatever she asks. I was feeling really bad. I want to be a good boy for my Mistress, I want her to be proud of me, show me off to her friends. But Mistress was not pleased with me and that made me really sad.

Mistress saw the change in my body and went with her hand over my body. I felt a bit better, Mistress still loves me. Now she said and whip lashed again, 2021. You will spend it in chastity and you will have to earn every orgasm you will have. I want you slimmer and fitter, so every Saturday morning you will weigh yourself if you lost a kilo you will out of chastity for the rest of the weekend. So it is up to you how often you want a release, do you understand? Yes Mistress I understand. I was thinking how often I would be out of chastity, I lost 5 kg last year, but it is getting more difficult now.

Every evening at 8pm you will go to the bedroom, get naked, put nipple clamps, blindfold and assume waiting position in the middle of the room. You will recede your Mantra for 15 minutes. If you have been a good boy nothing will happen, if you need punishment I will cane you with my new Prison Cane. No exceptions, even if we have guests you will excuse yourself for 15 minutes. Do you understand? Yes Mistress! Now put your chastity cage on and get the cane….

Karamel London

Mistress is a real lifestyle Dominatrix. She loves to put her hands on a new un-experienced sub and train him till he becomes all hers. Having a session for an hour where the sub just comes to satisfies his kinks doesn’t fit in that picture. So Mistress decided that now the world is changing due to covid-19 it is also time that she changes. No more quick sessions for the boys but only long experiences 4h, overnights are real lifestyle training. Likes this she will only have the sessions she really wants and that gives her time for her new passion Karamelondon. All this years of being a Domintrax makes her an expert in marketing. Now she can puts all this knowledge in her new make-up brand. I am so proud of my Mistress that whatever she does she goes all the way. If it is the whip or lash Mistress is always the best.

Locktober 2020

Joris Locked for Madame Caramel

It was the first of October at 0:01 am and Mistress told me to go to the bathroom and put the chastity belt on and to come back with the lock and keys for her. It was the official start of Locktober 2020. Mistress likes me locked. After all it is all about her pleasure and no man can compete to the superior Doxy. But I can’t complain she allows me an orgasm on average every two weeks. More if we film for her onlyfans.

Normally I always fly back and forward to London and my preferred device is the holy trainer as it goes undetected at security. Mistress can then keep the keys while we are away from each other. But this year is different, Mistress and I are most of the time together and I don’t fly anymore. So it was time for a change.

I looked around for a metal device. I have several I both from China but after one or two days they all start to hurt. The made-to-measure device all had very long waiting times. Guess lock down also means lock up for many people. I went for the bon4 metal. It is a beautiful cage, with many options in ring size and spacers. I went for the same set-up as I used to have with my CB6000 and it fits perfectly. It doesn’t hurt during normal wear, because of the bars it is easy to clean. But most importantly it looks amazing on me.

Seeing your cock in the tight metal cage, feels way better then in plastic. Mistress also likes the look. It has the same security as any other ball trapped device. I of course haven’t tried to get out of it. One day Mistress will give me a chastity piercing to remove any temptation.

The process of my chastity month is a bit different then normal. Normally I try to ignore it as much as possible and that works very well for me. But having Mistress in the house makes it so way more difficult. She is often dressed up in the most amazing outfits to film for her onlyfans. I find myself often looking at her beautiful ass. The bon4 has no mercy for me, no erections allowed.

It is very difficult having Mistress around and teasing me all day, but now she is a few days to London and I can only think of her wishing she was back. The hole strategy to ignore my chastity is not working this time. Only 8 more days and then I hope amazing play time with a big release at the end. I try not to hope to much because with Mistress you never know. She might just give me a ruined orgasm and lock me back up. But I have been a very good boy so I keep dreaming of my release day.

Remote training tasks

Mistress is in Dubai and as always she locked me in chastity while she is gone. During the lock down she let me cum a few times a week so I am not used to not cumming at all anymore. After one week I was already struggling and now I am going crazy. All these years of chastity training are gone and I am back a chastity newbie. Mistress finds it very funny and teases me a lot with amazing pictures.

Luckily she gives me lot attention and many tasks to do. I of course have to run in the morning on Saturday I have ass training. That is the good thing about chastity it really makes me want big dildo’s in my ass. Mistress has many new toys in the house including large cocks. So on Saturday I have lots of fun putting bigger and bigger toys in my ass.
On Sunday I now have nipple training. Every week I torture my nipples a bit more and film it to please Mistress.

You can see clips of all my tasks on my free onlyfans but here are some pictures.

Coming home

Lately it is very busy at work and Mistress preferred me working from the office instead of taking calls all day in the house. So I go to the office as Mistress wishes. I do miss being so close to her all day. Of course she is very demanding and often disrupt my meetings. But it does feel good and natural to be with her all the time.

But for the last 2 weeks I was at the office, going home relatively late when Mistress is already in TV mode so also no play for me. All these months of constant play has spoiled me and I really miss her touch can you believe that my body is without marks?
Today I was at work and I got a message from Mistress, when will you home. I replied I think around 6pm Mistress. “When you go home, go directly to the bathroom, take a shower and clean yourselves. I became very excited and couldn’t wait to go home, I should have replied with 5pm.

Finally it was time to go home and I jumped on my bike and i never biked home so fast. I opened the door and the house was completely quiet. I did as I was told and went to the bathroom. On the floor was a pile of toys and a note, “wash, put everything on, waiting position”. I jumped in the shower and cleaned myself, I also shaved so Mistress has nothing to complain about.

I looked at the toys, it where 4 heavy duty cuffs, kali’s teeth for my cock, the lockable butt plug, nipple clamps and the new restrictive hood. Next to it where 6 locks, they are open but no keys. I put everything on and locked it into place, the hood was a struggle to put on alone, it restricts my breathing and I had to really listen to hear anything. I went into waiting position and nothing else I could do then to wait for Mistress.

She took her time, my legs where killing me and I was starting to get cold being on the bathroom floor. But at last I could hear Mistress at least I hope it was Mistress. She took me in the bedroom and pushed me on the bed. I was laying on my stomach waiting for what would happen. I didn’t had to wait long. Mistress her whip landed on my back, I screamed but the hood was also effective to silence me. Mistress had no mercy with full force she delivered one lash after the other. Nothing I could do then to accept what Mistress was giving me. Then she stopped just for a second then I feel her cane on my ass. No warming up, just full force. I had trouble laying still but did the best I could, knowing that Mistress would hurt me more if I didn’t.

Finally it was over, I could feel the blood streaming for the cane weld on my ass. I started crying and the only thing I wanted know was to be held by Mistress, hearing her say that she still loves me.

But Mistress has other plans, she pushed my legs together and with 2 simple clicks I was laying in a hogtie bondage. My body struggling with the pain from the whip and cane. I could feel that Mistress was leaving me alone and I so hoped not for long.

After 10 minutes or so she came back and removed my nipple clamps. I was relieved finally release. But they where replaced with stronger clamps and I screamed in my hood. I could feel Mistress kissing my head and saying something like goodbye. I panicked and screamed in my hood not to leave me but Mistress was already gone.

After a few more minutes my nipples felt like they are on fire and my legs are starting to shake. I screamed again for Mistress but she didn’t hear me. I started to cry, asking myself why did I allow this? Minute after minute past and I finally became more relaxed. I accepted the pain and what Mistress was doing to me. I started to get hard but was merciless punished by kali’s teeth that dig deep into my penis, preventing any enjoyment. I cried again and screamed for Mistress.

I must have gone to subspace, because I felt the strap on my ass. I tried to move my legs but the sudden movement makes them cramp. Mistress gave me only like 10 slaps and then she released the hog tie. My legs fel on the bed not able to move them. Mistress unlocked my butt plug harness and finally I was going to be released.

But Mistress wasn’t done yet, she put me on my back and pushed my legs. Before I knew it she entered me with her big strap-on. Whilst she was in me, she removed the hood but left the nipple clamps. I look at her still with tears in my eyes, she smiled and I could see that she really enjoyed what she did to me. She started to fuck me deep and hard and after only a few minutes, sperm was flowing out my cock. Mistress said no me first.

She pushed the strap-on all the way in me. Reached for her doxy and put it on full speed on top of her strap-on. The feeling was intense, the strap-on was vibrating on my prostate and Mistress her clit. Mistress only needed a minute and at the moment she was about to came, she reach for my nipple clamps and pulled them off. I screamed in pain at the same moment Mistress screamed in joy.

Mistress removed the strap-on and felt tired next to me on the bed. I was looking at her with tears in my eyes but also with intensely happy. She smiled back and said you are such a good boy, you get a treat from me. She turned on her stomach pushing her ass in the air and said you can lick and wank. Now I had a smile from ear to ear, thank you Mistress and I jumped on the floor to get my treat.

Hog Tie

Mistress always likes new toys to use in her filming and play. This time Bondara sent her a box full of toys. In there was a beautiful gag with nipple clamps and a cuff set with hog tie clips. Mistress wanted to use them on me as soon as possible.

The next day I was working from home and having one meeting after the other. Mistress told me that she needed during my lunch break. Two hours later I knocked on the door of the bedroom. Mistress had put the cuffs on the bed and just pointed to them. I start putting the cuffs on and waited till Mistress gave me her attention.

I opened my mouth and Mistress filled it with the gag. The nipple clamps are soft but Mistress abused my nipples the day before so they still hurt a lot. Before I know it Mistress pushed me on the bed and locked me in the hog tie position.

Immediately I felt the pressure in this position. I had to lift my head and that pushed the gag deeper in my mouth. I was now laying on my nipple clamps and that made my nipples feel on fire. Mistress didn’t look very impressed.

I was surprised how quickly my mind went from office mode to full submission mode. I tried to move my legs but the position didn’t allow me a lot of movement. I realized that I was in a very vulnerable position and was fully at the mercy of my Mistress.

It didn’t took very long before Mistress decided what she wanted to do with me. I want to milk you. She grabbed her doxy and slowly let the vibrations get my cock hard. The doxy is a powerful tool but a low speed very frustrating. I was fighting my bounds trying to direct Mistress to the exact right spot. The frustration was getting so intense but not enough stimulation to make me cum.

Mistress increased the speed and I could feel my orgasm building at last. At the very last moment she removed the doxy. I screamed in my gag in frustration but Mistress just laughed at me. Then she said now I want to see you spunk. She put the doxy at full speed. This was another level, I couldn’t fight it second later the doxy extracted an orgasm out of me nothing I could do about it.

Mistress just left me there for some time in my hog tie position. I could feel the cum on my legs and belly but nothing I could do about it. I was there biting my gag and felt extremely humiliated and used by Mistress. My nipples still on fire what after my orgasm very difficult to deal with.

Luckily Mistress as always had mercy with me and untied me. I felt relieved and happy that my Mistress knows when I need to be put on my place. I am at the mercy of my Mistress always and for ever.

You can see the full video on Mistress her onlyfans.

Why cock sucking is important

Mistress was always very clear to me about this point, you will suck cock for me. All my boys have to do it for me. At that moment I wasn’t so sure. In my sexuality I am fully straight. I am happy to see all sorts of non binary relations but I am most definitely straight.

It was after 6 months serving Mistress that we we went to the dungeon. We where not alone, her sissy maid Francesca joined us. She was serving Mistress on almost a daily basis at that time. Francesca received cleaning orders and I was to undress and take place on the spanking bench. Mistress gave a good caning I was really struggling to keep it together for her. But I was a good boy and I was allowed some aftercare laying my head on Mistress lap.

Suddenly she called out, Francesca get your cock here, I need my cock to be ready. Seconds later Francesca came in with a semi hard cock. Mistress started stroking it, very close to my face. Then there was a simple command, suck for me Joris. At first I didn’t react this was something I really didn’t want to do. Mistress pushed my head a bit and I resisted. You could feel the tension in the room. This was my test, I told Mistress I would do anything for her. Well here it is anything.

I was thinking about the last 6 months how Mistress made me happy. I finally found somebody that cares for me exactly who I am. I have to accept her for who she was, my Mistress the Woman that pushes my boundaries that always demand a little more. It was clear to me I had to suck cock for her.

I put it in my mouth and I swear I could hear Mistress smile. The tension was gone, Mistress was enjoying her victory. I taught if I am going to be a cock sucker I am going to be a good one. I went for it just like i would have liked my cock sucked. I could feel the moment getting closer for the grand finale. But just before Mistress said stop. I stopped in a second, I could hear Francesca almost cry out in disappointment. Mistress said that is enough back in chastity sissy, only Mistress can cum.

Mistress hugged me and told me that she was proud of me. Also that it was make or break for her. She has to be sure that I would do anything for her. I started crying a bit and said of course Mistress anything to please you.

After that first time Mistress makes me suck cock on special occasions, not very often but enough to make sure that I don’t forget that it is one of things I do for her. I don’t mind I am happy that Mistress is very selective and only make me suck clean and healthy cocks from her friends.

Thank you Mistress for removing this boundary for me. Please keep pushing me forward to be a better boy for you.